


NICE GUY #20160330cafekalama6pm #SAPE

daijunさん(@daijun)が投稿した写真 –

. . #サプール#サップ#sapeur#茶野邦雄

ugo_morimoriさん(@ugo_morimori)が投稿した写真 –


以下は、サプールのドキュメンタリー「The Men Inside the Suits」を制作したHéctor MediaVillaのコメントである。

It came to my attention that the Sapeurs live their life by a motto that could be heard all over Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo – “There can only be SAPE when there is peace”. I was surprised that no photographers had previously been interested in this. There was no in-depth work on ‘La SAPE’, so I decided I wanted to be the first to explore them further. Since then I have been to Brazzaville six times.


Like the Sapeur Severin says, “To dress in the Sape fashion sense is of course a way of being alive. We look out for each other and no one is allowed to fight. In fact, I would like the Sape to be effectively a vaccination for peace.”


The Sapeurs is a group of people who, despite their humble lives, show their true character in an inspirational display of flair, style and creativity. Their deep-rooted pride and philosophy of “joie de vivre”, inspires others to believe that in life the more you put in, the more you get out.


現在、西武渋谷店にて、3月29日〜4月10日、写真展「ザ・サプール 〜コンゴで出会った世界一おしゃれなジェントルマン~」が開催されている。興味を持たれた方は、是非、足を運んでみてはいかがだろうか?


引用:The Sapeurs – The Men Inside the Suits


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